Sunday, March 16, 2008

Do-It-Yourself Or DIY Websites

What s the Attraction?

Today, with the cost of ready-made products continuing to rise, more and more people are finding it prudent to make or do things themselves. Sometimes kits are available, such as those for birdhouses or jewelry and sometimes it s necessary to build it from scratch, such as wood planters or an extra bedroom. Whatever your preference is, don t let potential customers miss the sense of accomplishment they ll feel when they re able to stand back and say, "I made that!"

What s the incentive?

Online "shoppers" are always checking websites regarding how to make or do specific things. You may have just what they need.

* For example, last winter you built your grandson a very elaborate playhouse, from scratch. As you worked, you wrote down the details of your original pattern. When your wife suggested you try to market the pattern online, you did just that. Using a marketing plan, you set up your own website, arranged for credit card and PayPal billing, and took detailed photos of the playhouse. Once the site was up and running you simply sat back and waited for the orders to come in. Success! Not bad for two weeks of work!

* Another example of a DYI website is one related to writing your own tutorials for popular software programs such as PhotoShop or Norton s Utilities. Having used these programs for years, you now consider yourself an expert, particularly related to shortcuts and customizing your work. You re so good, in fact, that you were able to take some rather mediocre wedding photos and, using sepia tones, turn them into keepsakes that even the most highly paid professional would envy. You ve decided you re now willing to share your talents, so you develop a website to market your original tutorial online. Your first offering has paid off well.

Consider online DYI projects as a viable income source.

The sense of accomplishment one gains through successfully completing a DIY project cannot be easily described. Let s just say, it makes you feel good and proud of yourself. Any market that aims at fulfilling these two factors is attractive to any potential online "shopper." Because of the anonymity of website exploration, shoppers are willing to explore topics they d stay clear of in real life. For example, a man might research flower arranging or sewing, and a woman might explore automobile timing or repairing small appliances. When you develop a website for a specific DIY topic, you are opening up a possible floodgate to online profits. Even something simple such as selling the details of flower arranging could bring in a comfortable sum if it s marketed to the right people.

Go ahead - take a chance.

Go ahead - take a chance - you haven t much to lose. Rather than make a large initial investment in your own website, test the waters using e-Bay or Try to sell your playhouse pattern or your PhotoShop tutorial through them. While you may have to pay them a percentage of your profits, it will be well worth it. You ll know for sure if there s a market out there for your DIY idea. Considering all the people, worldwide, who scan the web looking for do-it-yourself projects, you re bound to appeal to dozens of potential buyers.

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